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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Insect Wrangling and Potting up!

It is Monarch butterfly migration time. To work in conjunction with our insect curriculum and unit, we took our Native Plants and Animals classes out to see if we could examine Monarchs up close. The kids seemed to love it. What do you think?

The Green Growing class has also been working very hard from the beginning of the year. They have been collecting seeds and beginning plants for the gardens and our plant sales. We had close to 50 seed starts recently that had to be potted up so they could continue to grow and be healthy. Way to go guys and gals!

Starting a new garden.

In an effort to continue to naturalize our less than exciting areas of campus, we started new garden! It is located at the front of the school near the entrance to the teacher lot. Very close to one of our other National Wildlife Federation Schoolyard habitats and our 5000 gallon cistern We laid out tarps so we lose as little soil as possible, put cardboard down to stop the grass from growing, and created berms for contour and a place to plant. We will purchase plants from Emerald Garden once we receive mulch from the district. They graciously provide mulch to our campus at no cost and we couldn't be more gracious! You rock Austin ISD Facilities!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Please welcome our new flock! With the help of wonderful volunteers, we built a new chicken palace last spring that has allowed us to triple the number of hens we can keep.  That means triple the number of eggs this spring.  Be sure to sign up for our Chicken Club and receive dozens of fresh, organic blue-green eggs from our Americauna hens.

Thanks to all who came out to the third annual Green Fest Austin, featuring live music from Guy Forsyth & the Hot Nut Riveters, great healthy--I mean, yummy--food, vendors and fun activities like the climbing wall and the hamster balls.

Introduction of Guy by our former student Nicole, who worked to get the grant so that the band could play Green Fest.

Getting started.