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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring Cleaning, Spring Blooms, and Spring Plant Sale 3/26-27

Each semester our school participates with the citywide Keep Austin Beautiful Clean Sweep. We clean multiple areas of school including Monterey Oaks Blvd., our nature trail and the school grounds.

Our native gardens have also started blooming this week. They will look even more amazing in the coming weeks.

Our Spring plant sale will be this Thursday and Friday March 26 and 27 from 9-4:30. We can also stay later by request. Here is a sampling of the plants  we will be receiving from Far South Nursery and Emerald Garden.

Socuty Garlic
Pink Ferry Duster
Bottle Brush
Compact Orange Sage
Gopher Plant
Maiden Hair Fern
Anisacanthus Tangerine
Artemisia Silver King
Indian Mallow
Bulbine Orange
Chile Pequin
Trailing Wine cup
Dwarf Cherry Barbados
White Beautyberry
Coral Bean
Mexican Plum
Fig Tx BrnTrky
Evergreen Sumac
Smoke Tree
Kidney Wood
Wax Myrtle- Dwarf
Mexican Olive
Anacacho Orchid
Texas Gold Yucca
Black Dalea
Texas Gay feather
Kangaroo Paw
Brush Sunset
Cream spread cantana
Mexican honeysuckle
fragrant mistflower
native honeysuckle
Blue glow agave
crassula coccinea- campfire
Marginata agave