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Monday, December 14, 2015

Capstone Project of the Week: Goat Promotional Video

Check out Ashlyn Tatro's 8th grade capstone project! She created a promotional video for Small Green Tech Academy to recruit new students to the program.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

7th Grade Meal Project

Mr. Brooks' "What's on your plate?" class is in the process of serving up their final projects this week in the form of a 3 course tasting menu for their classmates. The students prepared a meal made from scratch with whole, balanced foods and presented it to their peers. Check out our slide show of their tasty creations below!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Bucket Race

Mr. Brooks' 6th grade "The World Outside" class was outdoors today learning about watersheds and water conservation. They discussed the ways in which they use water every day. Did you know that every flush of your toilet uses about 5 gallons of water? In order for the students to understand how much 5 gallons is, they carried a 5 gallon bucket once around the entire school with a team! It was great exercise and great fun!

Capstone Project of the Week: Grow Towers

Exciting news! For her 8th grade Green Academy capstone project, Sabella Jaroszewski seeded and maintained our school grow towers. The grow towers use aeroponics, the process of growing plants without dirt, to produce vegetables for our school cafeteria. Check out the pictures of the fruits of her labor being harvested for use in our salad bar!