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Sunday, September 19, 2010

"The chickens are coming," clucked Tom.

Readers of Boy's Life, the monthly scout magazine, will recognize
the double entendre in the above quote. It's called a Tom Swifty.
These always cracked me up as a kid, a great cure for a fowl mood.

Several staff members and students have asked what we're building outside Ms. Weber's classroom. Here's the s-coop:

Former cougar Tanner Frisby is installing a chicken coop and grazing area complete with two chicken tractors. Tanner is a member of the triple nickel, Troop 555, and this
installation is his Eagle Scout project.

Tanner used Google's Sketch-up software to plan this project.

A project this large is complicated. Tanner has also researched, sought advice, rounded up donations, and organized a series of work days. Below are pictures from the first on-site work day, September 11:

The next work day is scheduled for October 2. Look for updates in future posts.
Hats off to Tanner and all his army of volunteers.

1 comment:

  1. That's great! You are doing so many things for the school's campus... are you sure it's still a school and not a wildlife preserve.


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