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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tarry the Tarantula

My wife spotted this tarantula while we were camping. I brought it back to my classroom much to the delight of (most) of my students.
Tarry enjoyed a luxurious three week stay with a steady diet of crickets and geckoes caught just outside my portable.

We released her where we caught her.
Rita grabbed the camera while I sent her on her merry way.

Tarry was with us the three weeks leading up to Halloween.

I caught her by placing the lid of the capture box in her pathway. I wouldn't recommend picking her up. Frighten a tarantula and they can release barbed hairs that wreak havoc on eyes and lungs. Dropping one can burst its abdomen. She will gently crawl onto you if you give her a tilted hand or arm.

Tata, Tarry.

1 comment:

  1. Tarry or the cousin of Tarry ended up on my front porch, and then the next week was IN my kitchen. I released him back to wild so my neighbors could enjoy him!!


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