Live oak trees drop their leaves in early spring as new growth pushes the previous year's out. The gift of the oaks is not only the sheer abundance of compostable material, but also a well timed infusion of carbon. We started our fall pile in November. Oak leaves break down slowly. To speed up the decomposition process, mow them.
Of course, this deciduous event can overwhelm a home garden's compost facilities. If you do wind up with surplus bags of leaves or grass clippings, please drop them off at the north yellow service gate.
Raking was not the only activity the students were engaging in. The grasses, trees, shrubs perennials, and trees needs trimming. Our cacti took a severe beating in our extended freeze.
The students are mastering their tool usage now and accomplished an impressive amount of garden maintenance.
Click on the picture below to watch us at work.
Our Spring Plant Sale will be in the greenhouse on Saturday, April 2nd from 9:00-1:00.
Plant list and student designed posters to follow shortly.
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