The festival should be amazing! It will be a great way to get the family outside and to get in touch with nature! There will be food, fun, and live music for all ages!
Food will be provided by Austin area food trailers! More information to come. Give us recommendations of other trailers you LOVE so we can invite them out too.
CATCH activites will be running the entire time! Kids and adults will have the opportunity to race, play on our disc golf course, balloon pop, and even attempt some track activites. There will be 2 inflatable obstacle courses and a rock wall for climbing. There is an optional wristband that will cost $10 a person. That will cover all events, activites, and will enter people into all door prizes. Through a partnership will out CATCH Committee(Coordinated Approach to Child Health http://archive.austinisd.org/schools/shac/catch/), we will be providing door prizes that encourage being active and outside. Bicycles, camping equipment, and sporting good will be raffled off to attendants who purchase a wristband. There will also be environmental vendors on site. Vendors will be doing sessions on composting and the City of Austin rebate program, organic vegetable gardening, and sustainable solutions.
We will have 3 different bands performing through the festival. The Gourds (http://www.thegourds.com/), One Black Lung (http://oneblacklung.com/) and The Better Halves (http://www.thebetterhalvesmusic.com/) will be on stage.
Please come out and join us! Invite you friends! It is going to be great!
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