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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Green Fest Preparation Photo Explosion!

Green Fest went amazing! To give you an idea of how it went, we sold out of shirts in the first hour, Mr. Matthews' dedication was standing room only, and the cafeteria was so full we had a line out the door to get in. We are in the process of compiling all of the photos taken by different students. We hope to post them very soon. Thanks to all the sponsors, volunteers, and attendants! We couldn't do it without you.

We usually spend a majority of our Environmental Studies classes outdoors. To prepare for Green Fest we stepped up our game and spent even more time outside.

Mr. Brooks' (or Brooks's, which spell check marked as wrong by the way)classes spent a lot of time preparing a meditation labyrinth.
They worked hard with the chickens. Allowing them to get some exercise, and to  out on the open range in our chicken tractors. We are already getting eggs!

They also worked on creating a new space for our school to compost in. They are creating a renewable material called cob. It is a building material made up of straw, clay, water, and sand. Once it dries it is seismic, fire proof, and RENEWABLE!

Just tell mom Mr. Brooks made you do it.

AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) graciously donated $500 to the Green Academy to help us purchase 16 trees. We got 14 various fruits trees and 2 Lace Bark Elms. Here are the students preparing the holes for AMDs volunteers. I think they like it!
Yay! Holes!

With all of our rain and a lot of student watering, all of our plants are thriving and in full bloom.  A little bit of compost tea also helps to speed the process along. It is perfect for the Monarch butterfly migration which will be heading our way very soon.

The greenhouse work surfaces are finished and are already being used to propagate seed, cacti, succulents, and trees. You may see some new and old faces (plants).

Who is that guy with the sunglasses?


 We also did our first clean sweep of the year.

And of course it is always nice when we get to see some of our native inhabitants. Here is a checkered garter snake we found while clearing out an over grown field. They are the true reason we are gardening and planting natives. This truly shows our balance between permaculture and native gardening. We released the snake after each class got a chance to observe.




1 comment:

  1. i got really big that was probably one of my snakes


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