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Wednesday, October 23, 2013


The Oak Hill Gazette recently published an article on the expansion of Highway 290/71 through the Y and its effect on a 130 year old heritage tree. (

The tree is scheduled to be removed as soon as early November. According to the Austin Heritage Tree Foundation (AHTF) (, “We need to raise $3,000 within the next 3 weeks to do a feasibility study (hire certified arborist) to determine if the tree can be transplanted since the root crown (the base of the tree) is below grade, buried in soil and gravel, and to prune the tree before the end of October.” TxDOT is willing to transplant the tree, but the problem is funding. The AHTF has already applied for grants from the city. If they are approved for the grants, the community will have to raise about $18,000 to cover the remaining cost of transplanting the tree. We are trying to petition the City and the Heritage Foundation to consider Small Middle School Green Academy ( as the new location of the tree. Michael Fossum, executive director for the AHTF, says “live oaks have historically had a high success rate when it comes to relocation…a survival rate of 98 percent. However, the health of a transplanted tree is dependent on the aftercare it receives in its new home.”

 “You have to water it and make sure it has mulch and doesn’t get diseased,” Fossum said. “You have about a five year aftercare period where you let it reestablish its roots and acclimate to its new area. After that, it should survive on its own.” With the strong support of the community and the student body, Small Middle School would be the perfect home. The Small Green Academy has over 800 students each year who are dedicated to preserving the natural habitat surrounding the school. The tree would receive tender love and care for the life of the tree. We are less than 2 miles away from the tree, and we have a similar soil composition to the current location.

We are currently in works with the district to help set up accounts to allow for us to directly fund raise for this effort. Until we are approved and the accounts are set up, please follow these directions to donate:

The Austin Parks Foundation manages the fund for the Austin Heritage Tree Foundation. Donations are tax-deductible because the Austin Parks Foundation is a 503c non-profit organization and the Austin Heritage Tree Foundation operates under their umbrella. The Austin Parks Foundation charges a 2% fee of every donation, to a maximum of $100 per donation.

Send a check to the Austin Parks Foundation, 507 Calles Street, Ste. 116, Austin, TX 78702. Please, make sure to write “Austin Heritage Tree Foundation- Taco Bell Tree” on the memo line. Please, email with the name of donor and donation amount so that we can confirm your donation.

Call the Austin Parks Foundation at 512-477-1566 ext. 1 to donate by phone. Please, make sure to specify that your donation is for the “Austin Heritage Tree Foundation- Taco Bell Tree”. Please, email with the name of donor and donation amount so that we can confirm your donation.

Donate with a credit card at this link:

Make sure to click on the Austin Heritage Tree Foundation box (6th from the top). Please, email with the amount and donor’s name so that we know that the donation was for the Taco Bell tree.

We appreciate any support you can offer. Please also email Michael Fossum if you also believe Small Middle School would be the perfect home for the “Taco Bell” Tree.

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