InSmallGardens Instagram

Thursday, February 19, 2015


The Green Academy and the Art Department have been working together to transform a barren section of the school into a piece of environmentally inspired art. Energized by the street art around Austin, students and teachers sought to produce a piece of work that would connect our diverse student interests and backgrounds. Students wanted to create a bright, vivid, simple, motivational, and "Selfie-worthy" piece of work that any could find enjoyment in,

After scouting locations on campus that would provide a large enough canvas to encapsulate the artistic vision, students worked to find the most environmentally conscience paint. Once paint was located and purchased, the long process began of taping, painting, drying and repeat.

We are very close to completing this project that began in the Fall semester of 2014. Here are the photographs of our progress so far.
Priming and sealing the porous brick 
Measuring and staking the center of the wall to allow the sun and its rays to be drawn symmetrically and easier
Penciling out our design

Penciled design

Taping over the pencil
Begin of  yellow paint application


Finishing the sun and its rays.

Clean up, clean up, everybody cleans up!

Orange background.

What's next? COMING SOON!

Posers posing for a selfie demonstration.

Adding some finishing touches, the Green Academy and Art Department finished our mural collaboration. Here is Mr. Tabares adding our street art graffiti.

Poser with added glowing accent color.

Bold font

We are so proud of our kids and the work they do in these great Small Middle School and Austin ISD courses! If you come and take photos or share any of their work, please add the hashtag #AISDProud and #youaremysunshine. We want everyone to know how great our kids are and to showcase all their wonderful projects.

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