Here is a list of plants we usually have at the sale. They usually range from $3 for 4 inch pots to $7 for 1 gallon pots. Some more specialty plants can go between $10-$25. We may even have some trees. If there is anything you would us to try and procure, let us know!
Texas Red Bud
Mexican Plum
Fragrant Mimosa (in bloom)
Yaupon Holly
Wax Myrtle
Anacacho Orchid (in bloom)
Crossvine (in bloom)
Montezuma Cypress
Monterey Oak
Red Yucca (in bloom)
Twist Leaf Yucca
Gulf Muhly
Lindheimer Muhly
Inland Sea Oats
Blue Eyed Grass (in bloom)
White Coneflower
Purple Coneflower (in bloom)
Cedar Sage
Salvia Cleavelandii
Red Columbine
Texas Betony
Chocolate Daisy
Texas Rock Rose (in bloom)
Apache Plume (in bloom)
Chili Pequin
Escarpment Cherry
TX Mountain Laurel
Cedar Elm
Aloe Vera
Pinyon Pine
Shrubby Bush Sage
White Mistflower
Gregg's Mistflower
Evergreen Sumac
American Beautyberry
Lantana Horrida
Sabal Minor
Eve's Necklace
Mexican Plum
Monterey Oak
Lacey Oak
Desert Willow
Goldenball Leadtree
Aloe Vera
Century Plant
Red Yucca
Nolina Texana
Heartleaf Skullcap
Obedient plant
Skeletonleaf goldeneye
Prostrate Rosemary
Mexican Oregano
Salvia greggi
Remember, we are still selling potted homecoming mums. Buy in bulk, it saves $$$!!! Show your COUGAR SPIRIT!
Check out our Facebook page for order forms and other information about the Green Tech Academy.
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