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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Allegiance to Gratitude

Allegiance To Gratitude
By Kira Rice And Ryder Armstrong

Today, we are grateful for all of life. We recognize that, as people, it is not our job to try to control life, but to live amongst it in harmony. 
The Earth
We would like to thank the Earth, which gives us a home. We would also like to apologize to the Earth. For she has done so much for us, and we have done so little for her. Please know our thanks come with great remorse and regret, for we have hurt the Earth more than we ever should have. 

The Waters
We would like to thank the Water for allowing life to carry on. We thank the water for quenching all our thirst. We apologize to the water as well, to say sorry for polluting his currents. We now acknowledge that we have caused the water a much greater pain than he has ever deserved.

The Marine Life
We would like to thank the marine life for continuing to live on. To them, we also apologize. We apologize for over fishing, and for destroying their habitats. We regret hurting all of the majestic species of the waters.
The Plants
We would like to thank the plants, they give themselves as food. They heal our injuries and illnesses. We would like to apologize to them as well, for destroying the forests. Please know we are trying to resurrect the great wild forests, jungles, swamps, and grasslands.

The Animals
We thank the animals too, but to them, we cannot apologize enough. We apologize for hurting them. We apologize for destroying their habitats. We apologize for over hunting them. Most of all, we would like to apologize for causing the sixth mass extinction. Please know we are deeply sorry.

The Air
We are thankful for the air we breathe. We thank the air for all the cool breezes on hot summer days. We know that without the air, life would not be possible. Our thanks comes with an apology too. We are profoundly sorry for ruining your peace through pollution.

The Rain
We thank the rain for filling the lakes, cleansing the waters, and bringing water from sky to earth. We are sorry for turning you into an enemy of nature by forcing you to bring acid upon the earth.

The Sun
We thank the sun for bringing us warmth each day, for you are never too lazy to rise, and never sleep in. We thank the sun for never taking a sick day, for rising and setting every day without fail.  Without the sun, no life would be here today. You give nutrients to life, and you give us all a reason to wake up every morning. There’s a reason that it is you at the center of every solar system. We thank the sun for providing us with clean energy. We thank the sun for using his gravity to keep our solar system together.

The Teachers 
We now thank the Teachers who have been there to educate the young so they could do more and be more. We also thank them for giving us knowledge. Not only knowledge of maths and science but, but knowledge of sharing and respect. We thank them now, more than ever, for working extra hard. We apologize for not being more grateful to you, Teachers.

The Doctors
We now feel a great sense of gratitude towards our doctors who are risking their lives everyday as they go to work. They have always been important to our community, but now they are our heroes. Everyday they step into a battlefield against an invisible enemy, more courageous than any troops.
We know that these words can never possibly make up for all the wrong our species has done. We acknowledge that we probably have not thanked everything, but we have tried our best. If we have left out anything, we would like to thank them now. We are tremendously sorry for all that the human species has done to hurt the beautiful Earth. We give one more thanks, a thanks for the natural world for forgiving us, even when what we have done to you is unforgivable. We give a great thanks to the natural world around us, and hope you know that we are trying to help.

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